Saturday, November 24, 2007

Worst vacation ever!!

There are many reasons why my vacation is getting worse.

1. I have no friends
2. Spend holiday with my annoying brother
3. Not really vacationing
4. My mum cancelled Animax
5. Damn idiotic, bossy and stupid cousin sisters

See? Isn't this bad? I'm really wondering how my other friends are having their holiday? Not much like mine I guess ...

There still something I really hate. My room got destroyed by my brother. My games are all unuseable. No games, no tv, no fun ...


Smartee Pants said...

OH SIN MUN! This is so horrible!!! Your mum cancelled Animax?? But what for? I mean, you're practically stuck to that silly Animax channel 18 hours a day.

Not like it affects me. :P SERVE YOU RIGHT! :P

Holidays are really boring...but i'm having fun :P

Chan said...

She did cancelled Animax. But she decides that I can buy the cd so cd could be so much better than the channel. Who knows? I like the cd so much that I rewatch it a few times. She felt so sorry that the channel have to be cancelled, she gaves me money to buy cd. Isn't that great?